Frequently asked questions.
FAQs for Partner Companies
How do transactions work?
We always construct a transaction that achieves the following:
Immediate material liquidity for current owners.
A guaranteed, de-risked path to full liquidity of the current valuation of your business.
Material equity interests for owners that continue to work with us in perpetuity.
An unfettered ability for us to deploy world-class technology.
We are very flexible in how we construct transactions as long as the above can be achieved.
What industries do you prefer?
We are completely industry agnostic. Technology is now table-stakes for nearly every business. As such, there’s no industry that’s off-limits for us.
What company characteristics do you prefer?
We prefer companies that have a track record with at least $5mm net earnings (a k a EBITDA) but will consider companies as small as $2mm EBITDA. Assets such as equipment and accounts receivable are preferred.
When are transactions not a fit?
To be successful, we need key management to be believers that technology is critical to future success of the business. We build partnerships and need enthusiastic leaders on the other side of the table to dramatically grow the business.
How I get started?
Reach out to us here: info@pilotwaveholdings.com. We can then discuss your business to see if there is mutual alignment and can quickly generate indicative terms.
FAQs for Investors
How do I invest in what you’re doing?
Reach out to us here: info@pilotwaveholdings.com. Two primary ways to invest: in individual deals that we do or in the holding company itself. We’re happy to discuss structures that could work for your mandate.
If you don’t flip companies, how and when do I see a return?
Outside equity investors have the ability to invest in convertible preferred equity securities that return very attractive cash pay interest. We enable holders of those securities to have the option to put them to us at a time horizon that meets their needs. Outside debt investors can invest in debt offerings both at the holdco level (secured by the equity and cash flow of the underlying businesses) or at the individual portfolio companies.
How are you different than [insert name here]?
Our leadership has engaged in thousands of conversations with institutions throughout the capital markets over our careers. Only very recently have even a select few started to claim that they do similar things to what we do (notably, all after our founding). That said, we are not aware of any firm where the leadership has the necessary depth and breadth of skills required to be successful: capital markets expertise; deal-making understanding; entrepreneurial empathy; executive presence; deep technology and analytics acumen; focus and energy on small businesses.